Returns Policy

1.If you want to cancel the order & get refund, you shall contact us before the item is dispatched.

2.Please contact out Customer Service Team to arrange your return. We’ll need to know your order number, the item you want to return and the reason for return. We do not accept returned item that were sent without any notice. 

3.Please ensure that the items you are returning are unopened and in any original packaging. Unwanted goods needed to be in pristine condition with any retail seals unbroken. 

Refunds Policy

1.Once we received your item, we’ll inspect it and notify you that we have received your returned item. 

2.If your return is approved, we’ll initiate a refund to your credit card (or original method of payment). you’ll receive the money within maximum 20 working days, depending on your card issuer’s policies.

3.For additional information, please send us messages on our website.